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Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) MRAM

From Everspin Technologies


The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) MRAM from Everspin is a versatile memory solution designed for applications where fast data access and minimal pin count are requirements. With options like the MR10Q010 Quad SPI MRAM, this product line supports high-speed operations with efficient pin usage, offering light power consumption and a compact 16-pin package for ease of integration.

This SPI MRAM excels in capacities ranging from 128Kb to 4Mb, with speeds up to 50MHz, enabling quick data transfer and retrieval which is ideal for storage buffers, embedded systems, and real-time data logging in RAID controllers. The Quad SPI configuration enhances this capability, achieving rates of 52MB/s, outperforming traditional parallel configurations.

Designed to handle diverse applications, the Serial Peripheral Interface MRAM serves well in demanding environments like enterprise storage systems, serving data center needs, and supporting industrial automation processes where data integrity and speed are critical parameters for performance and reliability.

  • Low pin count
  • Compact design
  • High-speed access
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • RAID systems
  • Storage buffers
  • Embedded applications
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