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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > USB > SERDES12G


From Pacific MicroCHIP Corp.


SERDES12G provides an integrated solution for data serialization and deserialization, supporting robust 32:1/1:32 operation at data speeds from 8.5 to 11.3Gb/s. Designed for high-performance fiber optic transceivers, this IP in IBM's 65nm 10LPe process ensures strong noise immunity and low-power operation, making it optimal for critical communication standards like SONET/SDH OC-192. It integrates CMU with a fractional-N PLL, delivering precision in clock management and data integrity.

  • Extra low power
  • CML logic – high noise immunity
  • Includes CMU, with frac N PLL
  • 1V DIFF output swing
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Process Node 65nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SONET/SDH OC-192 Tx and Rx with CDR/CMU
  • PHY 10GbE transceiver
  • 10G back planes
  • XFI TRx
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