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SerDes Interfaces

From Silicon Creations


Silicon Creations' SerDes interfaces are tailored for modern data applications requiring rapid and reliable data transfer across chip interfaces. These interfaces are operable in processes from 12nm to 180nm, delivering data rates up to 32.75Gbps. They support a vast array of protocols such as PCIe, JESD204, and SATA, amongst others, making them highly versatile. Employing ring PLLs, they achieve superior signal integrity, low jitter, and minimal power and area footprints. The architectures are compliant with the latest standards and ensure seamless interoperability in various technological ecosystems, particularly beneficial in networking and communication setups.

  • Multi-protocol support
  • Low latency
  • Ring PLL-based architecture
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > PCI
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed data interfaces
  • Network devices
  • Data converters
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