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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY > SERDES


From Analog Bits


Analog Bits' SERDES IP solutions are acknowledged for their low power consumption and scalability, fitting a wide array of industry needs from enterprise-grade solutions to consumer electronics. The company's PCIe Gen 3/4/5 class SERDES are silicon-proven and aim to offer the most compact die area in the market, resulting in significant power savings and operational efficiency. The IP supports a plethora of protocols including PCIe, SAS, SATA, and USB, delivering unmatched versatility for various applications.

Tailored for applications requiring high data rates and extensive flexibility, these SERDES IPs deliver low latency for seamless chip-to-chip communication. The design accommodates flexible lane configurations, supporting an unlimited number of lanes and enabling placement anywhere within the SOC architecture, including multi-protocol operations.

With a footprint spanning process nodes from 8nm to 5nm, and plans for extensive deployment at 3nm, Analog Bits’ SERDES solutions are poised to meet the stringent requirements of the rapidly evolving computing and networking world. Such adaptability ensures they can cater to advanced applications like FPGA, mobile computing, SSDs, and consumer cabling, maintaining high performance while minimizing electronic overhead and bottleneck.

  • Multi-protocol support
  • Low latency
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile computing
  • FPGA
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