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From Analog Bits


Analog Bits provides an innovative suite of sensor IP products that combine compactness with high integration levels for monitoring PVT (Process, Voltage, Temperature) conditions as well as power supply integrity. These sensors are rigorously tested and proven on silicon at process nodes including 5nm and have ongoing developments for the 3nm era. Such capabilities ensure the precise monitoring of both on-chip and system-level power dynamics, vital for efficient and reliable semiconductor operations.

These sensor solutions are designed for seamless on-die integration, offering features like detection of voltage spikes, which enhance security against fluctuations caused by unauthorized access or faults. The smallest core area and the most efficient power usage make these sensors ideal for modern applications where space and energy constraints are paramount.

Besides aiding in superior system stability, these sensors also enable adaptive load balancing through software interfaces, optimizing energy usage in a wide range of end applications. These features position the Analog Bits sensors as indispensable tools in applications ranging from consumer electronics to highly sophisticated automotive systems.

  • PVT monitoring
  • Voltage spike detection
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive systems
  • Consumer electronics
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