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Securyzr iSSP

From Secure-IC


The Securyzr integrated Security Services Platform (iSSP) from Secure-IC is an industry-first that offers a comprehensive solution for managing device security lifecycle. It allows users to handle the deployment, monitoring, and updating of security measures for a fleet of devices. This end-to-end solution features zero-touch lifecycle services, which include secure provisioning, firmware update management, device identity control, and security monitoring.

One of the key components of the Securyzr iSSP is its Integrated Secure Element (iSE), which provides the foundation for a secure environment by ensuring secure boot processes, key isolation, and protection against tampering. Its dual computation and strong isolation features grant it an added layer of protection beyond that offered by standard trusted execution environments. The platform facilitates secure communication between the device's hardware, host systems, and cloud environments through robust APIs and connectivity layers.

Additionally, the Securyzr iSSP is adaptable for both public and private cloud operations, featuring a user-friendly interface for managing heterogeneous device fleets. Thanks to its user-centric design, it supports a range of applications and ensures compliance with the latest security standards. The platform stands out for its proactive approach to device lifecycle security, providing users with tools to adapt to ongoing security challenges and transformations.

  • Secure provisioning
  • Firmware update management
  • Device identity control
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Lifecycle management
  • Embedded system security
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