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Security Protocols

From Xiphera Ltd


Xiphera's Security Protocols portfolio integrates secure communication technologies such as MACsec, IPsec, and TLS 1.3, designed to protect data transmission over various communication links. With a hardware-optimized approach, these protocols provide a highly secure environment by significantly reducing potential vulnerabilities compared to software-based solutions. MACsec ensures point-to-point encryption and authentication at the data link layer, employing AES-GCM for secure communication. IPsec offers encryption for IP-based data transfers, crucial for secure Internet connections, including VPNs. TLS 1.3 supports session security, facilitating encrypted web transactions and robust machine-to-machine communications. These protocols, engineered entirely in hardware, enable high performance and scalability in protecting sensitive data across diverse sectors, from financial transactions to secure data centers, leveraging the compact and robust design of Xiphera's IP cores.

  • Hardware-optimized security
  • Support for multiple protocols
  • Robust authentication and encryption
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Security Protocol Accelerators
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Financial security
  • Internet communications
  • Secure data transfer
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