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All IPs > Security IP > Embedded Security Modules > Secure OTP

Secure OTP

From PUFsecurity


Secure OTP is a comprehensive storage solution employing anti-fuse OTP memory for ultimate data protection. It combines both Physical Macro and Digital RTL, offering extensive security features to safeguard data in use, transit, or at rest. Secure OTP enhances standard storage solutions by integrating tamperproof features and supporting various interface controllers for widespread compatibility. This IP efficiently protects sensitive data like keys and boot code, effectively preventing unauthorized access and hardware attacks. Secure OTP’s design caters to multiple IC and ASIC applications with its scalable solution tailored to modern security challenges.

  • Anti-fuse OTP Memory
  • Digital RTL
  • Tamperproof Features
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data Protection
  • IC Security
  • ASIC Security
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