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All IPs > Security IP > Embedded Security Modules > Secure Boot

Secure Boot

From Tiempo Secure


Secure Boot is a critical feature for ensuring the integrity of firmware in connected devices, preventing unauthorized and potentially harmful firmware modifications. The implementation relies on the Post-Quantum Secure LMS algorithm, as standardized by NIST, which provides a robust defense against threats even in the age of quantum computing. By enforcing a verified boot process from authenticated firmware, Secure Boot not only uplifts the security posture but also facilitates secure firmware updates.

This IP is highly adaptable, allowing up to 32K firmware updates with a lightweight signature footprint of just 2.8 KBytes, vital for systems where storage efficiency is a priority. Additionally, it incorporates anti-roll-back protections, ensuring that once updated, the firmware cannot be downgraded to a vulnerable version. Encompassing extensive logging functionalities, Secure Boot aids in audit trails and troubleshooting, offering an expansive configurability to fit various device architectures.

Developed using portable C code with assembly optimizations for selected CPUs, Secure Boot is compliant with MISRA C standards, ensuring high reliability and safety. Its cross-platform nature includes an optional AES-CTR encryption feature, broadening its utility across various embedded environments. The inclusion of a cross-platform signing tool further simplifies its integration into diverse system architectures, making Secure Boot an excellent choice for maintaining the security and trustworthiness of complex systems.

  • Post Quantum LMS Algorithm
  • Anti-roll-back Protection
  • Portable C Code
  • AES-CTR Encryption
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT Devices
  • Automotive Systems
  • Secure Firmware Updates
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