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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > SD > SD UHSII


From Silicon Library Inc.


The SD UHSII IP block is designed for use in flash memory interfaces, particularly suited for devices requiring high-speed data transfer and storage efficiency. Operating under the Ultra High Speed II standard, it offers seamless integration for products like cameras, smartphones, and portable computers that require rapid data access and storage management.\n\nThis interface IP helps boost data processing speeds and enhances overall system throughput, which is critical for applications that handle large volumes of data or require quick data exchange. The design of this IP ensures robustness and reliability even in demanding operational environments, making it ideal for high-performance storage applications where timing and speed are crucial.\n\nThe SD UHSII core is developed to accommodate flexibility in power specifications while maintaining optimal performance levels with minimal interruptions. This IP block meets industry-compliant protocols and aids manufacturers in delivering cutting-edge solutions that thrive under both high load and diverse usage scenarios.

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Category Memory Controller & PHY > SD
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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