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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Scorpion OSU Processors

Scorpion OSU Processors

From Tera-Pass


The Scorpion OSU Processors embody the latest in IEEE 2893-2023 OSUflex technology, delivering a high degree of flexibility for handling a broad spectrum of network signals. On their client-side, these processors accommodate E1/T1, FE/GE, and STM1/4 signals, promoting seamless mapping into OSU or ODU containers for onward transmission over OTU-1 lines. Scorpion processors excel in optimizing network edge applications, ensuring robust signal monitoring and rate-limiting, making them ideal for agile, high-performance network infrastructures. The ability to manage complex signal requirements with precision makes Scorpion processors essential for cutting-edge digital and optical networking scenarios.

Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Network edge applications
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