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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > SafeIP™ TriplePHY

SafeIP™ TriplePHY

From Siliconally GmbH


Designed for the most demanding and diverse automotive and industrial environments, SafeIP™ TriplePHY pushes the boundaries of communication safety and reliability. As with other Siliconally IPs, it conforms to IEEE 802.3 standards but stands uniquely distinguished by its triple interface approach which provides enhanced robustness and redundancy. This makes it especially essential for applications requiring extensive communication capabilities paired with maximum safety standards.

TriplePHY's design ensures ultra-responsive performance, swiftly reacting to failures and maintaining continuous operation—integral for systems that cannot afford downtime. Its implementation on the versatile GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform assures state-of-the-art compute capabilities, reduced energy consumption, and remarkably low leakage. Siliconally’s agile engineering processes ensure that TriplePHY remains progressive, catering to ever-evolving industry demands without sacrificing its renowned safety features.

Through TriplePHY, Siliconally demonstrates an unwavering commitment to providing IP solutions that not only meet but exceed the safety expectations of complex systems. Their assurance in quality and reliability bolstered by rigorous design and proven technology makes this IP an invaluable asset for organizations prioritizing communication safety alongside performance.

  • Triple interface support
  • High reliability
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Process Node 22nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Heavy Industry
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