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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > SafeIP™ SinglePHY

SafeIP™ SinglePHY

From Siliconally GmbH


The SafeIP™ SinglePHY offers a robust and revolutionary approach to enhancing safety in communication technologies. Building upon the IEEE 802.3 standard, this solution stands out due to its unique patented features which redefine communication safety. Designed specifically for safe automotive Ethernet applications, SinglePHY ensures rapid communication even in potentially hazardous scenarios while maintaining seamless integration with standard PHYs. Its development on the GlobalFoundries 22FDX platform points to a focus on high-performance computation and optimal safety performance, while accommodating ultra-low leakage and reduced power demands.

By leveraging fast response times, SinglePHY is pivotal in providing reliable real-time solutions for a myriad of demanding environments such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial settings. It serves as a cornerstone for data integrity where milliseconds can prevent catastrophic failures. The IP offers unparalleled speed in failure detection and reaction, thus promising an improved safety standard in automated systems.

Siliconally’s SinglePHY also serves as a testimony to their commitment to innovation in fail-safe architectures, providing critical preventive measures embedded within its infrastructure. The flexibility of this IP is further enhanced by its ability to be ported to various node technologies without compromising its core safety features.

  • High-performance compute
  • Low voltage
  • Ultra-low leakage
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Process Node 22nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Heavy Industry
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