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S9 microSD and SD Controller

From Hyperstone GmbH


S9 microSD and SD controllers are crafted for industrial-grade requirements, offering a blend of advanced security measures with robust framework implementations. The S9 variant features hyMap® firmware, providing superior wear leveling, data refresh, and power failure management, ensuring utmost reliability. As the standard for SD 7.1 interface compatibility, these controllers seamlessly integrate, making them apt for enduring and high-endurance storage solutions. Complemented by the SD security-focused S9S variant, users gain additional encryption and secure erase capabilities, tailored for environments demanding heightened data protection.

  • SD 7.1 compatibility
  • Secure erase features
  • Dynamic data refresh
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > SATA
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial SD cards
  • High endurance flash memory drives
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