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RV32IC_P5 Processor Core

From IQonIC Works


The RV32IC_P5 is an advanced 5-stage pipeline RISC-V processor core designed for medium-scale embedded systems requiring enhanced performance with cache memory capabilities. This core embraces a sophisticated architecture featuring a RISC-V RV32I base instruction set, compliant with User-Level ISA V2.2, and expands with 'A' extensions for atomic operations necessary in critical sections and multi-threaded environments. The inclusion of a predictive branch mechanism reduces latency, supported by branch prediction tools and configurable cache memory for minimizing response delays.

This processor core offers comprehensive support for machine and user-mode operations, with optional PMP configurations for secure execution, managing memory access permissions across different execution contexts. Its flexible interrupt handling capabilities accommodate up to 1023 sources, extending support for complex, interrupt-laden environments. It interfaces with both tightly-coupled scratchpad memory and optional cache memories, contributing robustly to performance improvements for computational tasks.

Analog interfaces via AHB-Lite offer memory extensions and controlled I/O operations, while the overall design benefits from compatibility with the GNU tool chain and Eclipse environment, promoting smooth firmware integration. ASTC’s VLAB tools further allow development across virtual environments, ensuring streamlined testing and validation processes.

  • RISC-V RV32I base instruction set
  • 5-stage pipeline
  • Branch prediction
  • Optional PMP
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Medium-scale embedded systems
  • Cache-enabled designs
  • Security based applications
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