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RV12 RISC-V Processor

From Roa Logic BV


Crafted for the embedded market, the RV12 RISC-V Processor is a flexible, single-core CPU that adheres to the RV32I and RV64I specifications of the RISC-V instruction set. It supports a Harvard architecture, fostering simultaneous access to instruction and data memories, enhancing computational efficiency. Known for its adaptability, it can be configured to meet diverse processor needs in embedded applications.

As part of the 32/64-bit CPU family, the RV12 processor is designed to offer an open-source pathway for projects needing a dependable processing unit. Its adherence to a standard instruction set ensures broad compatibility and ease of integration into various technological setups. The processor is accompanied by extensive documentation and testbenches, ensuring robust implementation capabilities.

Supporting both FPGA and ASIC deployments, the RV12 is an ideal candidate for developers looking to harness the benefits of RISC-V's open-source ecosystem. The processor's design focus is centered on maximizing performance while maintaining low power consumption, making it a popular choice for modern embedded applications.

  • Highly configurable
  • Single-issue
  • Single-core
  • Compliant with RV32I, RV64I
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded market
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