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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Timer/Watchdog > RISC-V Timer IP


From IQonIC Works


The RISC-V Timer IP set provides a robust solution for timing in RISC-V based applications. It complies with the standard machine timer specifications of RISC-V, ensuring accuracy and reliability for both simple and complex timer operations. The IP suits applications where clock domain crossing is either essential or unnecessary, offering variants for high precision or simple timer needs, including configurations with AHB and APB bus interfaces for diverse integration environments.

In low-power systems, it supports counting cycles from a low-frequency clock, maximizing efficiency when the main system clock is inactive. This configuration aids systems in maintaining energy efficiency without sacrificing performance during non-active phases. The timer interfaces with both AHB and APB setups, supporting integration in systems with complex or simplified bus structures.

The flexibility offered in the IP design allows developers to incorporate timers that meet the particular needs of varied RISC-V applications, promoting customization and adaptability within their embedded environments. Delivered with comprehensive documentation and development support, the timer IP aligns with broader system design requirements, facilitating comprehensive time-management solutions across processor platforms.

  • Standard RISC-V timer
  • AHB/APB interface
  • Clock domain crossing
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Timer/Watchdog
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Low power applications
  • Complex bus systems
  • Time-sensitive controls
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