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RISC-V Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) IP

From IQonIC Works


The RISC-V Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) IP stands as a versatile and configurable solution for managing extensive interrupt sources in systems utilizing RISC-V processors. It aligns with the RISC-V PLIC standard, ensuring a consistent integration experience across varied processor configurations. This controller manages a broad range of 31 to 1023 interrupt sources and supports multiple processor targets, with configurations allowing between 1 to 32 target hart contexts.

Its structure enables meticulous control over interrupt request properties, including sensitivity and synchronicity, enhancing system responsiveness. The IP uses an AHB-Lite interface to configure priority settings and interrupt management, enhancing its applicability across diverse environments. Its design ensures secure allocation, suitable for both single and multiprocessor applications, supporting complex interrupt schemas across various execution levels.

For single-processor setups, the PLIC connects efficiently to AHB matrices, collecting and managing interrupt requests from both AHB and APB devices. In tandem, it manages distributed interrupt requests across a multiprocessor system, ensuring that efficient priority handling and claims are made by the correct processor target, maintaining system-wide coordination and control.

  • Configurable interrupt sources
  • Secure allocation
  • AHB-Lite interface
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Interrupt Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Complex processing environments
  • Multiprocessor systems
  • High availability controls
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