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RISC-V Hardware-Assisted Verification

From Bluespec


The RISC-V Hardware-Assisted Verification offering by Bluespec is designed to optimize the verification process for RISC-V cores. This platform is tailored for quick integration with RISC-V cores, providing high-speed, efficient verification across core-level and system-level operations, including RTOS and Linux. It supports standard and custom ISA extensions, making it highly adaptable for different developmental needs. Additionally, with AWS cloud integration, users can access scalable verification capabilities from virtually anywhere, ensuring flexibility and reliability in testing environments. The focus on enhancing verification speed and accuracy makes it an invaluable tool for developers working within the RISC-V ecosystem.

  • High-speed verification
  • Core-level testing
  • System-level testing
  • AWS cloud access
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Receiver/Transmitter
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • RISC-V core testing
  • ISA extensions verification
  • RTOS testing
  • Linux testing
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