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Ring PLLs

From Silicon Creations


Ring PLLs are a cornerstone in Silicon Creations' clocking solutions, providing flexibility and robustness across a range of applications. These PLLs offer a broad operational range, making them suitable for generating clocks for diverse system-on-chip (SoC) applications. They feature attributes like fractional multiplication, jitter cleaning capabilities, and programmable loop bandwidths, which cater to both general-purpose and specialized demands. Available across major foundries and process nodes including the latest FinFETs, these IPs ensure low jitter and power consumption, making them an excellent choice for precision-centric designs.

  • Wide input and output ranges
  • Excellent jitter performance
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • System clocking
  • Audio CODECs
  • DDR interfaces
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