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RF/Analog IP

From Certus Semiconductor


Certus Semiconductor specializes in RF/Analog IP, delivering advanced wireless transceiver technology for a variety of applications. Their solutions incorporate silicon-proven RF IP, offering ultra-low power consumption, which is crucial for mobile and IoT devices. With capabilities ranging from LTE and WiFi transceivers to GNSS, Zigbee, and custom communication protocol implementations, they provide comprehensive coverage across modern wireless standards.

Their RF/Analog products include full-chip solutions that are customizable, featuring integrated components such as PMU, RF components, and PLLs. These elements are optimized for high-performance with outputs ranging across multiple frequency bands, offering low noise and high precision with minimal phase jitter.

Certus's RF products are ideal for next-generation wireless IP solutions, boasting features such as ultralow latency and integrated TX/RX capabilities. Their prowess in combining advanced design elements with practical applications positions them as a frontrunner in the RF/Analog sector, suitable for developing cutting-edge wireless communication technologies.

  • Ultra-low power technology
  • Silicon proven RF IP
  • Full-chip customization
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > RF Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wireless communication
  • IoT devices
  • Mobile applications
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