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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > Reed Solomon Erasure Code

Reed Solomon Erasure Code

From Secantec, Inc.


Reed Solomon Erasure Code offers a sophisticated approach to error correction, particularly ideal for RAID configurations and fault-tolerant systems. Engineered to operate asynchronously, this IP utilizes non-clock-dependent logic, achieving efficient data correction without introducing latency. By employing a symbol-based approach, each typified by the degree of a primitive polynomial, the system effectively manages error detection and correction processes crucial in environments facing high data integrity challenges.

This IP is adept in configuring for specific use cases, allowing adjustments that determine the number of erasure corrections achievable, as well as the length of each symbol within data streams. Separate encoder pathways offer precision handling for each operation, alongside shared decoder circuits capable of simultaneous multi-symbol recovery, making it a versatile choice for systems where flexibility and fault tolerance are crucial.

Applications for the Reed Solomon Erasure Code span from data protection strategies in large scale storage systems to ensuring stable data throughput in communication channels prone to noise. Its architecture makes it a vital component in datacenters and other infrastructures where predictable and error-resilient data management is a priority.

  • Asynchronous operation
  • Configurable erasure correction
  • Symbol-based computations
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • RAID
  • Data centers
  • Fault-tolerant communication
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