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All IPs > Processor > AI Processor > RAPTOR


From Dolphin Design


RAPTOR is a Neural Processing Unit (NPU) designed specifically for energy-efficient AI and Machine Learning applications. Capable of executing deep neural networks with impressive efficiency, RAPTOR is suited for far-edge AI systems that require low power but high-performance computational capabilities.

This IP features a flexible architecture accommodating up to 128 processing units, optimizing computing at the smallest power consumption threshold. RAPTOR includes a robust AI stack, facilitating the deployment of neural networks with minimized inference latency and power draw, catering particularly to artificial intelligence vis-a-vis data processing tasks.

Additionally, RAPTOR is equipped with advanced SDK tools to speed up the transition from designed models in data science programs to functional applications on physical devices. Its well-engineered integration support ensures it meets diverse market demands while maintaining optimal energy parameters.

  • Low power consumption
  • Advanced AI stack
  • Extensive processing elements
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Computer vision
  • AI/ML processing
  • Embedded devices
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