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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller > Quad SPI Flash Memory Controller IP Core

Quad SPI Flash Memory Controller IP Core

From Alma Technologies


The SPI-MEM-CTRL is a sophisticated IP solution facilitating superior control over serial NOR and NAND flash memories, employing multi-I/O techniques to enhance data interactions and throughputs. Its configurable interface accommodates varied operational demands, simplifying the interface link between controller and memory. Specialized for high speed data access, it supports intensive read/write operations tailored to manage large volumes of quick-access data, crucial in fields benefiting from rapid response times. Implementing advanced bootlining and execution on-the-fly features, it caters to real-time processing requirements seen in high-performance computing. With a strong emphasis on flexibility and adaptability, the SPI-MEM-CTRL factors in both system-wide efficiency and user-led configurability for optimal functionality.

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Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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