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All IPs > Security IP > Embedded Security Modules > PUFrt


From PUFsecurity


PUFrt is a Hardware Root of Trust IP focused on providing a secure hardware foundation for semiconductors. It generates and stores root keys directly on the chip, ensuring they never leave its confines. The IP includes essential features such as a true random number generator (TRNG), unique identification (UID), and Secure OTP, encased within a robust anti-tamper shell. Certified by Riscure, PUFrt offers a reliable security base for a wide range of systems, from lightweight security keys to comprehensive Security Coprocessors. By integrating easily with different architectures, it helps secure the semiconductor supply chain, combats counterfeiting, and enhances device authentication.

  • Hardware Root of Trust
  • True Random Number Generator
  • Secure OTP
  • Anti-tamper Shell
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Semiconductor Supply Chain Security
  • Counterfeit Prevention
  • Device Authentication
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