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All IPs > Security IP > Security Protocol Accelerators > PUFcc


From PUFsecurity


PUFcc is a versatile Crypto Coprocessor IP that integrates a Hardware Root of Trust with a complete suite of cryptographic algorithms. Designed to function across diverse architectures, PUFcc allows for seamless security protocol integration. With a comprehensive crypto engine, it supports various NIST CAVP-certified algorithms, delivering robust security across numerous IoT applications. The coprocessor features Secure Boot, TLS compliance, and key management, making it suitable for extensive use in system architectures requiring sophisticated security measures. PUFcc includes interfaces for direct memory access, streamlining secure data handling while improving device performance.

  • Hardware Root of Trust
  • NIST CAVP-certified Algorithms
  • TLS Compliance
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Security Protocol Accelerators
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT Security
  • Secure Boot
  • Data Integrity
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