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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > IEEE1588 > PTP Products

PTP Products

From NetTimeLogic GmbH


The PTP Products from NetTimeLogic are engineered for precision time protocol synchronization, essential for applications requiring exact timing accuracy. These IP cores are configured to provide high granularity timing, operating efficiently within low footprint FPGA environments. With capabilities like full hardware PTP Client and Server prototypes, these products align with the FlashPTP specification from Meinberg, indicating a forward-compatible pathway with emerging synchronization standards such as CSPTP. Moreover, their hardware implementations ensure predictable and low-latency synchronization performance, crucial for high-demand networking infrastructures.

  • 1ns accuracy timestamping
  • Hardware PTP Client and Server prototypes
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > IEEE1588
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Time synchronization
  • Networking infrastructures
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