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PSA Compliant Crypto API

From Tiempo Secure


Tiempo Secure's PSA Compliant Crypto API is tailored to offer a modular and user-friendly interface for executing secure cryptographic operations. This API simplifies complex cryptographic tasks, delivering a compact yet versatile library that consumes minimal on-chip resources. By adhering to PSA Certification standards, it ensures that embedded systems maintain high levels of security with easily integrable cryptographic functionalities.

The API includes efficient programming interfaces designed for cross-platform use, making it an ideal choice for developers seeking secure and compliant cryptographic solutions. By offering SRAM-based PUF key storage and a NIST SP-800 90A compliant DRBG with 256-bit security, it addresses the spectrum of security requirements while providing a reliable source of randomness for secure operations.

This Crypto API stands out due to its optimized SHA-256 implementation and comprehensive logging features, aiding developers in building security measures without extensive overheads. Its portability across different environments further enhances its utility, making the PSA Compliant Crypto API a cornerstone for embedding security into a wide variety of digital applications.

  • PSA Certification Standards
  • SRAM PUF Key Storage
  • NIST SP-800 90A DRBG
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Secure IoT Platforms
  • Automotive Security
  • Embedded Systems
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