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Programmable TOE (TCP Offload Engine)

From LeWiz Communications, Inc.


The Programmable TCP Offload Engine (TOE) from LeWiz is designed to enhance network performance by offloading TCP/IP processing tasks from the host CPU. This IP core allows servers and networking devices to handle data transmissions more efficiently while freeing up processor resources for other tasks.

LeWiz's TOE is highly programmable, providing the flexibility for customizing network protocols and applications without compromising on performance. This capability ensures that enterprises can tailor the TOE to fit specific network requirements, thus optimizing the use of available network resources and enhancing data throughput.

Engineered for robust multi-session handling, LeWiz's TOE is suited to environments where managing numerous simultaneous connections is necessary, such as data centers and cloud services. By significantly reducing CPU overhead associated with TCP/IP processing, the Programmable TOE increases data transfer efficiency, contributing to overall system performance enhancements.

Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Availability All Countries & Regions
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