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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > PRACH IP Suite


From Electra IC


The PRACH IP Suite is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance 5G NR O-RAN Split 7.2X design processes. This suite offers a full MATLAB model, RTL implementation of the model, and a verification environment for precise bit-exact simulations. With its seamless integration capability, developers can significantly cut down the development time, ensuring quicker market readiness while maintaining the aligned industry standards.\n\nThis suite supports a wide range of PRACH formats and configuration indexes, including full support for all formats detailed in 3GPP 38.211. It is capable of handling frequencies multiplexing up to 8 PRACHs and accommodates subcarrier spacing of 15 and 30 kHz for short PRACH formats — attributes that make it a versatile tool for communication technology development.\n\nThe PRACH IP Suite utilizes O-RAN compatibility to offer input stimuli generation and precise processing through MATLAB for both frequency and time-domain extractions. It includes a robust capability for extensive frequency resource extraction with up to 8 PRACH frequency resource extractions. The RTL implementation integrates directly, facilitating efficient signal processing with support for decimation from 1 to 96x and robust FFT of up to 8192 points post-decimation.

  • Comprehensive PRACH format support
  • Robust verification environment
  • O-RAN compatible input stimuli generation
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G NR O-RAN design
  • Communication technology development
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