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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Power Management > pPOR01


From Perceptia Devies Australia


The pPOR01 is a power-on reset macrocell designed to ensure reliable operation of power-sensitive circuits by providing a stable reset signal on power-up and power-down cycles. This reset circuit is essential in maintaining proper function across various supply range fluctuations.

Specifically architected for use in 1.2-V cores, this macrocell optimizes its reset thresholds to ensure logical accuracy under varying conditions. The pPOR01 incorporates a standard CMOS output, with a footprint suitable for integration either within a standard pad cell or as a standalone design within other systems.

The pPOR01 offers users a reliable reset function, combined with features such as a minimal quiescent current draw and standardized deliverables including integration guidelines, SPICE models, and functional test benches. Its power-on timing ensures that logic cells will operate correctly regardless of supply noise, making it a fundamental part of SoCs requiring robust power management strategies.

  • Stable reset signal
  • Optimized threshold levels
  • Minimal quiescent current
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Power Management
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Power-sensitive circuits
  • Standard CMOS outputs
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