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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > pPLL05 Family

pPLL05 Family

From Perceptia Devies Australia


The pPLL05 Family encompasses a series of low power, all digital fractional-N PLLs suited for IoT and embedded systems with power constraints. These PLLs are crafted to function under low voltage conditions without compromising on jitter performance or integration ease.

Built on advanced digital PLL technology, the pPLL05 series promises identical performance across various processes regardless of PVT variations. It supports clock frequencies up to 1GHz, making it appropriate as a reliable clock source for moderate-speed microprocessor blocks. The power consumption is remarkably low, less than 1.0mW, complementing its ultra-compact design that occupies less than 0.01 sq mm.

This product series is designed to integrate seamlessly into any SoC layout, with deliverables covering datasheets, characterization reports, and thorough guides for both design integration and testing. The pPLL05 can serve either as an integer-N or fractional-N, providing the flexibility needed in choosing the best input-output frequency combinations for specific applications. Perceptia supports these PLLs with extensive customization and support services, ensuring they meet diverse client requirements.

  • Low power
  • Small size
  • Easy integration
  • Fractional multiplication
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT
  • Embedded
  • Moderate speed digital systems
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