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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > pPLL02F Family

pPLL02F Family

From Perceptia Devies Australia


The pPLL02F series is a versatile set of all-digital fractional-N PLLs designed for a wide range of clocking applications. These PLLs are optimized for low jitter and compact form factor, making them ideal for moderate-speed microprocessor and other digital systems. With output frequencies reaching up to 2GHz, they are capable of serving as clock generators for various logic applications.

Built on Perceptia's second-generation digital PLL technology, the pPLL02F family assures consistent performance across multiple fabrication processes. Its architecture accommodates fractional and integer multiplication, enhancing flexibility in selecting input and output clock frequencies. The compact design allows seamless integration into systems with numerous clock domains, supported by an onboard power supply regulator that permits shared power lines.

Engineered for straightforward integration, the pPLL02F supports multi-PLL configurations, each instance maintaining a minimal size under 0.01 sq mm and consuming less than 3.5mW. This IP block also includes all necessary deliverables, such as a detailed datasheet, integration guide, and verification reports, ensuring no complications during implementation.

  • Low jitter
  • Small size
  • Low power
  • Support for multi-PLL systems
  • Integrated power supply regulator
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Moderate speed digital systems
  • Microprocessors
  • General-purpose PLL
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