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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > Post-Quantum Cryptography IP

Post-Quantum Cryptography IP

From Secure-IC


The Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) IP developed by Secure-IC represents a giant leap towards securing systems against future quantum threats. This IP is designed with a hybrid hardware-software architecture, making it adaptable for a range of applications requiring quantum-resistant security features. At its core, this IP includes a hardware accelerator optimized for lattice-based algorithms combined with a software library tailored for specific algorithms like the Crystals Kyber.

This PQC solution is engineered to meet the demands of security standards well into the quantum computing age, offering high-resistance to potential side-channel attacks such as Simple Power Analysis (SPA) and Differential Power Analysis (DPA). Additionally, the design supports secret key lengths of 512, 768, and 1024 bits, providing tunability in performance and power, thus catering to the precise needs of various applications.

Equipped with an AMBA interface, the PQC IP facilitates integration within existing systems, reinforcing them with the necessary cryptographic operations such as key generation, key encapsulation, and key decapsulation. This makes Secure-IC's PQC IP instrumental for industries looking to future-proof their devices against emerging quantum threats, underscoring its importance as part of a forward-thinking security strategy.

  • Quantum-resistant cryptography
  • 512-1024 bit key lengths
  • Side-channel attack protection
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Post-quantum security
  • Cryptographic operations
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