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Portable RISC-V Cores

From Bluespec


Bluespec's Portable RISC-V Cores are designed with versatility in mind, supporting platforms like Achronix, Xilinx, Lattice, and Microsemi. These cores facilitate both Linux and FreeRTOS, providing developers with an open-source development environment that simplifies the creation and management of RISC-V projects. By enabling users to leverage a broad range of platforms, these portable cores cater to a diverse set of application requirements. The integration of standard development tools ensures that developers can innovate seamlessly within familiar frameworks, thereby enhancing productivity and reducing development time.

  • Achronix support
  • Xilinx support
  • Linux support
  • FreeRTOS support
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Open-source RISC-V projects
  • Cross-platform development
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