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PolarFire FPGA Family

From Microsemi Corporation


The PolarFire FPGA series delivers cost-efficient and power-saving solutions in the mid-range FPGA market. These devices are capable of operating transceivers at speeds from 250 Mbps to 12.7 Gbps and contain logic elements ranging from 100K to 500K, along with up to 33 Mbits of RAM. This family champions best-in-class security and dependability, making it highly suitable for a wide spectrum of applications that require reliable and secure data handling. Their architecture is designed for optimal power efficiency, catering to industries that require stringent energy management. The versatility of the PolarFire range promises adaptability and responsiveness to evolving industry needs. Its implementation in sectors such as communications and industrial applications underscores its capacity to meet diverse and demanding technological requirements.

  • Cost-optimized
  • Power-efficient
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Communications
  • Industrial
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