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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Point-One Low Latency Mobile Video Transmission System

Point-One Low Latency Mobile Video Transmission System

From Techno Mathematical Co., Ltd.


Designed for mobile environments, the Point-One system ensures low latency and high-quality video transmission. This system is optimized for IP transmission, making it an excellent choice for mobile video applications where speed is essential.

It leverages advanced algorithms to manage low bit rate transmissions, thus ensuring high-quality video output even in constrained network conditions. The system enhances remote control capacities, broadening its applicability to various mobile and off-site operational contexts.

Ideal for applications where quick and reliable video communication is crucial, this system provides dependable performance with user-friendly integration. This makes it a prime candidate for industries such as news gathering, live event broadcasting, and emergency response communications.

  • AES
  • IP transmission
  • low bit rate
  • low latency
  • remote control
  • viewer
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Availability All Countries & Regions
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