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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Clock Generator > PoE Analog Clock - Traditional Series

PoE Analog Clock - Traditional Series

From IPclock


The PoE Analog Clock - Traditional Series combines classic clock design with modern PoE (Power over Ethernet) technology, providing a seamless synchronization solution. This clock is ideal for any environment where reliable timekeeping is essential. The traditional design ensures it fits well in various settings, from schools to corporate offices, delivering precision and reliability in time management.\n\nWith PoE technology, installation is streamlined, eliminating the need for additional power outlets or battery changes. It connects effortlessly to your network, allowing for centralized management and control of time synchronization settings across multiple devices. This integration helps enhance operational efficiency by maintaining uniformity across all synchronized clocks in a facility.\n\nThe durable frame material is designed to endure various environmental conditions, contributing to the clock's longevity and dependability. Whether installed in educational institutions or business settings, the PoE Analog Clock - Traditional Series ensures consistency in time display, minimizing discrepancies and enhancing the overall operational workflow.

  • PoE technology
  • Traditional design
  • Durable frame
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Clock Generator
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • School clock system
  • Corporate time management
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