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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > PLL12G


From Pacific MicroCHIP Corp.


PLL12G is a sophisticated Clock Multiplier Unit (CMU) supporting multiple clocking modes and delivering an 8.5-11.3GHz output clock. Used extensively within OC-192 compliant systems, this IP ensures superior performance across various communication scenarios by offering efficient clock setups like FEC+G.709, FEC-only configurations. This flexibility and power efficiency make it ideal for high-demand telecommunications applications.

  • Extra low power
  • CMU supports different clocking modes: FEC+G.709, FEC only, G.709, FEC to G709 frame
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Process Node 65nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 10GbE
  • FC
  • OC-192 compliant transceivers
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