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All IPs > Security IP > Content Protection Software > PLIC


From Roa Logic BV


The Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) is a fully compliant and configurable unit designed to align with RISC-V standards. This interrupt controller allows efficient management and handling of interrupts in a system, making it essential for constructing sophisticated processor designs. Its parametric nature means it can be tailored to fit various application needs, maximizing system performance and resource management.

PLIC is adaptable and integrates seamlessly within a RISC-V processor-based environment. It facilitates the prioritization and servicing of interrupts, a critical requirement in multitasking and real-time system operations. Its configurability ensures that it can cater to both simple and complex requirements inherent in embedded systems.

Developed to support leading-edge design implementations, the PLIC enables developers to maintain fine-grain control over system interrupts. Its readiness for deployment in both FPGA and ASIC environments underscores its flexibility, positioning it as a foundational element for RISC-V based systems. Comprehensive documentation accompanies the IP, aiding developers in the integration process.

  • RISC-V compliant
  • Fully parameterised
  • Configurable
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Content Protection Software
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded systems
  • Real-time operations
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