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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller > PermSRAM


From NSCore


PermSRAM is a versatile nonvolatile memory macro built for flexibility and security without extra cost burdens. Leveraging standard CMOS processes, it offers a robust set of memory functionalities suitable for a wide array of applications. The memory size ranges from 64 bits to 512Kbits, accommodating various product needs. It features a unique one-time programmable ROM and pseudo-multi-time PROM operation, integrated with a multi-page configuration for heightened control and security.

Engineered for high reliability, the PermSRAM series provides an advanced solution for security code storage, analog trimming, and other crucial applications. Its hardware safety lock offers non-rewritable security, ensuring stored information's sanctity by preventing tampering. Its operations become hassle-free with built-in self-test architecture, fostering a stress-free evaluation and testing environment.

PermSRAM stands out by eliminating the need for a charge pump during the read operation, conserving critical silicon space by up to 30%. This reduction in area contributes significantly to cost-efficiency. Furthermore, the chip ensures data retention even in extreme automotive environments, retaining data integrity at temperatures as high as 150 degrees Celsius.

  • One-time programmable ROM
  • Pseudo multi-time PROM
  • Built-in self-test circuit
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Security code storage
  • Program storage
  • Analog trimming
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