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All IPs > Wireless Communication > 3GPP-5G > PentaG2


From Ceva, Inc.


PentaG2 represents Ceva's cutting-edge 5G NR baseband modem IP platform designed for mobile broadband and IoT applications. As a crucial part of Ceva's connectivity suite, it stands out as the industry's most comprehensive offering for integrating 5G capabilities into small form factor devices. The PentaG2 platform is engineered to accommodate the demanding bandwidth and latency requirements of modern wireless communication, making it ideal for various IoT, broadband, and industrial applications.

Its architecture integrates multiple advanced vector processors and AI co-processors, allowing for sophisticated signal processing tasks and efficient data management. This platform addresses the varying needs of LTE and 5G technologies by enhancing spectrum efficiency and throughput, making it suitable for use in smartphones, smart home devices, and industrial edge computing.

PentaG2 supports a plethora of features including multi-gigabit data rates, enhanced network slicing capabilities, and robust support for multiple access technologies. These attributes make it a prime choice for developers looking to implement state-of-the-art cellular networking solutions tailored to diverse global standards.

  • 5G NR support
  • Multi-gigabit data rates
  • Vector processor integration
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > 3GPP-5G
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile Broadband
  • IoT Connectivity
  • Smart Devices
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