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PentaG RAN

From Ceva, Inc.


PentaG RAN is Ceva's flagship 5G baseband platform IP, purpose-built for 5G RAN ASICs and Open RAN applications. This platform leverages over a decade of leadership in baseband IP solutions, supporting a wide range of 5G standards and allowing for scalable, flexible deployments across various network configurations. Incorporating powerful processors and AI acceleration engines, PentaG RAN ensures top-tier performance for expansive 5G networks, from pico cells to macro DUs.

The platform supports state-of-the-art RF components and advanced baseband processing, optimizing gNB operations with its high-level integration capabilities. It provides the necessary support for multiple use cases, including eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband) and URLLC (Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications), crucial for next-generation industries demanding low latency and high throughput.

Moreover, PentaG RAN integrates robust support tools, comprehensive simulation environments, and development kits to ease deployment and customization for specific uses. Designed to work seamlessly with existing cellular infrastructures, it supports various 5G NR bands and frequencies, ensuring adaptability to evolving market needs.

  • 5G RAN ASICs support
  • Open RAN compatibility
  • Scalable network architectures
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > 3GPP-5G
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G Networks
  • Baseband Processing
  • Industrial Connectivity
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