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PCIe Gen6 DM/RC/EP Controller

From Plurko Technologies



PCIe Gen6 is a high-speed, layered protocol interconnect interface supporting speeds up to 64GT/s, featuring multi-lanes and links. The Transport, Data Link, and Physical layers specified in the PCIe specification are implemented, along with PIPE interface logic connecting to PHY and AXI Bridging logic for application connectivity.


 Supports PCIe Gen 6 and Pipe 5.X Specifications
 Core supports Flit and non-Flit Mode
 Lane Configurations: X16, X8, X4, X2, X1
 AXI MM and Streaming supported
 Supports Gen1 to Gen6 modes
 Data rate support of 2.5 GT/s, 5 GT/s, 8 GT/s, 16 GT/s, 32 GT/s, 64 GT/s
 PAM support when operating at 64GT/s
 Encoding/Decoding Support: 8b/10b, 128b/130b, 1b/1b
 Supports SerDes and non-SerDes architecture
 Optional DMA support as plugin module
 Support for alternate negotiation protocol
 Can operate as an endpoint or root complex
 Lane polarity control through register
 Lane de-skew supported
 Support for L1 states and L0P
 Support for SKP OS add/removal and SRIS mode
 No equalization support through configuration
 Deemphasis negotiation support at 5GT/s
 Supports EI inferences in all modes
 Supports PTM, OBFF, MSI, MSIX, Power management, and all message formats

Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability US, Canada, UK & EU Only
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