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Parallel Interface MRAM

From Everspin Technologies


Everspin's Parallel Interface MRAM offers a non-volatile memory solution compatible with SRAM, providing exceptional speed and endurance. This technology supports 8-bit and 16-bit configurations, tailored for seamless integration into existing systems due to its compatibility and straightforward interface. The MRAM products within this category boast quick access times of 35 to 45 nanoseconds, ensuring efficient data handling.

Designed for robust performance, Everspin's Parallel Interface MRAM stores data without power intermittences for over 20 years, employing low-voltage inhibit circuitry to safeguard against data corruption during power loss. This resilience ensures data integrity throughout the device's extensive lifecycle.

Everspin's commitment to compatibility and performance ensures that their Parallel Interface MRAM is ideal for sectors requiring fast access and reliable data retention, such as automotive, medical, and industrial control systems. By delivering high-speed communication with dependable non-volatility, these MRAM products facilitate effective and efficient system designs.

  • SRAM-compatible
  • Unlimited endurance
  • High-speed access
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive systems
  • Medical devices
  • Industrial control
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