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All IPs > Processor > DSP Core > PANTHER


From Dolphin Design


PANTHER is an adaptable Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platform, uniquely engineered for balancing massive data processing needs with the lowest possible power consumption rates. Utilizing a scalable architecture, PANTHER is capable of supporting a wide array of AI-driven and traditional DSP tasks with its multi-core processing capabilities.

PANTHER stands out for its ability to execute multi-threaded processing tasks efficiently, enabled by a RISC-V based architecture. This setup includes a complete software development ecosystem with extensive libraries and toolsets that facilitate the integration and deployment of versatile applications.

Applications range from audio processing, including keyword spotting and scene classification, to critical industrial monitoring tasks. Its adaptability ensures it effectively manages computational tasks without exceeding energy budgets, making it indispensable for devices focusing on data-intensive applications.

  • Parallel task handling
  • Extensive software ecosystem
  • Scalable core configurations
Tech Specs
Category Processor > DSP Core
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Audio processing
  • Industrial monitoring
  • Machine learning
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