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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > USB > OTC9115 USB 3.1 Cable Marker

OTC9115 USB 3.1 Cable Marker

From Obsidian Technology


The OTC9115 USB 3.1 Cable Marker is a highly integrated chip that serves as a comprehensive solution for USB PD Type-C baseband cables. Designed to occupy minimal silicon space, it caters to high-volume production while maintaining low production costs. This single-chip solution requires only two external capacitors and features a 4-pin package with an area less than 1mm².

INTEGRATED PROM allows customization to suit various vendor specifications, responding to a wide array of vendor messages automatically. It boasts an active Ra pull-down feature, consuming a mere 10µA at 5V, and offers a power efficiency under 5mW due to its low duty cycle. The PROM is programmed post-assembly, enhancing production efficiency, and includes a fuse lock function to secure configurations.

Enhanced for high functionality without external components, the product incorporates a physical layer from the OTC9107 port chip. This handles CC line driving and reception, and includes features such as a data slicer, activity detection, voltage level detection, all within a highly efficient slew rate controlled driver. Supported in different packages, this cable marker is essential for manufacturers striving for reliable and cost-effective solutions.

  • USB PD 3.1 compliant
  • Single chip solution
  • Integrated PROM
  • Active Ra pull down
  • <1mm² area in 180nm
  • Post-assembly programmable
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • USB Type-C cabling
  • High volume production
  • Cable identification
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