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OT3912t Integrated Oscillator

From Obsidian Technology


The OT3912t Integrated Oscillator stands out as a sophisticated solution optimized for the TSMC 180nm process. Engineered to provide highly stable frequencies, it requires no external elements, achieving a superior frequency stability of less than 1% over various voltage and temperature settings after a simple trimming procedure. Its integration into devices like the OT9115 USB PD cable marker signifies its versatility and reliability.

Within a compact silicon footprint of 0.03mm², this oscillator delivers frequencies ranging from 8MHz to 25MHz. Its low power consumption, pegged at a typical 80µW, emphasizes its design for energy efficiency, making it ideal for applications demanding low power overheads.

The zero pin design minimizes external dependencies, catering to a streamlined production process. The Silicon-proven nature of this oscillator guarantees performance across numerous applications, establishing it as a dependable component in precision electronics.

  • Internal frequency trim
  • 8-25MHz frequency range
  • 1% stability over temperature and voltage
  • Zero pin design
  • Small area
  • 80µW typical power
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Oscillator
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • USB PD cable integration
  • Low power systems
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