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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL > OT3122t130 PLL for TSMC 130nm

OT3122t130 PLL for TSMC 130nm

From Obsidian Technology


The OT3122t130 is an adaptable Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) created for the TSMC 130nm Low Power and General Purpose CMOS processes. This PLL serves as a clock multiplier, capable of handling a wide scope of input and output frequencies, proving vital for precision timing systems. Leveraging a multi-stage balanced VCO, it minimizes cycle-to-cycle jitter, essential for high-performance applications.

Enhanced configuration flexibility is provided through its wide range of integer dividers (N, M, P) and an output frequency ranging between 40MHz to 600MHz. It demonstrates outstanding jitter performance at 18pS RMS when operating at 400MHz. Additional features include lock-detect functionality, startup control for predictable operation, and bypass capabilities to fine-tune system deployment.

The OT3122t130 is engineered for efficiency, with a small cell area of 0.022mm² and a power consumption of typically 2mW. The design incorporates 1.8V digital and analog supplies while maintaining compatibility throughout TSMC's 0.13µ process.

  • Wide range integer dividers
  • 40MHz – 600MHz output range
  • 18pS RMS jitter
  • Lock-detect and bypass functions
  • Small cell area
  • 2mW power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > PLL
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 130nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Precision timing systems
  • Communication systems
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