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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Orion MFH IP Cores

Orion MFH IP Cores

From Tera-Pass


Orion MFH IP Cores are engineered specifically for 4G Mobile Front-Haul networks, implementing robust solutions for the transport of CPRI signals over OTN. They are capable of managing various CPRI options ranging from 2.4576 Gbps to 12.16512 Gbps, according to ITU-T guidelines. These cores provide the critical infrastructure required to efficiently handle mobile front-haul signals, ensuring reliable and high-fidelity signal transmission across network layers. The Orion family maintains flexibility and compliance with industry standards, ensuring these cores are practical for diverse telecommunications applications.

Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 4G Mobile Front-Haul
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